Case Study

Hiring FTE Helped a Commercial Real Estate Firm in Detroit to Manage Property Smoothly

Intro Image

Property management at Backoffice Pro

Backoffice Pro (BOP) offers exclusive property management solution handling around 1000 to 1500 properties, 7000 to 8000 monthly calls. With a decade of property management experience, we eliminate the stressful daily chores in property management tasks.

Meet the Client: A Commercial Real Estate Firm in Detroit

The client is a commercial real estate firm based out in Detroit, specializing in the buildout of the urban areas. With more than 100 properties in their portfolio, they are the largest real estate partner in the city. They provide leasing, acquisition, finance, property management, and much more. Their clientele includes startups, national retailers, restaurants with a global presence, and locals as well.

Objective Behind the Property Management Requirement

The objective behind the project is to:

Manage their properties

Customer Support




Software / Application

Zoiper, Skyline Property
Management Tool

Management Tool


Client’s Challenge Before the Property Management Solution from BOP

The client, being a prominent real estate partner, they were finding it difficult to manage various processes related to vendor calls, tracking the complaints, invoices, etc. They were in search of a partner that could help them with an FTE for managing their rental and commercial properties. Partnering with BOP, they were able to hire an FTE who was able to handle the properties well.

Solution on Property Management from BOP

When we received the client’s requirements in detail, we strategized our approach for the solution. Our FTE is highly experienced in voice process, customer support, admin, and finance. The resource was trained on-job and with other on-going operations. The FTE was responsible for completing a vast range of services overcoming many subtleties within each sub-service.

With clarity of understanding of the client’s internal management system and adapting it, the FTE coordinated between the multiple departments, vendors, and tenants. He handled the tenant/vendor calls, agreement renewal, keeping track of complaints and the resolutions, invoices, utility management along with sourcing the vendors for ad-hoc requirements. We used Zopier and Skyline Property Management Tool to execute the project.

Result of BOP Effort on Property Management

One FTE supporting different processes.

The client was able to avoid in-house resources.

They hired BOP for their ongoing requirements.

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Hire FTEs for Efficient Property Management Process

Outsource property management requirements to Backoffice Pro to manage all the subtleties related to the process. Contact us to know more on how we can assist you in your property management requirements.

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